Where the Deer Dwell eBook Dorothy E Gravelle

Where the Deer Dwell eBook Dorothy E Gravelle
Where is book two? I want more!This has been the most satisfying read I've had in a long time. Unrequited office romance, abduction, then Clan of the Cavebears. Let go of disbelief. Enjoy the ride. There is action and adventure but also Walden contemplation and zen yoga.
I must admit that I am too ADD to sit still for the meditation bits, but I put on the fast text-to-speech and felt more in touch with the main character.
Dorothy Gravelle, I can hardly wait to read more of your work!

Tags : Where the Deer Dwell - Kindle edition by Dorothy E Gravelle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Where the Deer Dwell.,ebook,Dorothy E Gravelle,Where the Deer Dwell,Diego Beach Publishing,FICTION Fantasy Historical,FICTION Romance Historical Ancient World
Where the Deer Dwell eBook Dorothy E Gravelle Reviews
This is a great book with interesting characters and settings. The idea of a whole world going on under a museum in San Francisco is fascinating. Once back in time, the story goes deeper and is just beautiful. I heard there is another book continuing the saga on its way, and I can't wait to read it!
I truly loved this book! It was definitely a surprise, as the first few chapters lull you into thinking that you know what this book is going to be about, then with neck-cracking speed it changes gears and throws you into a beautiful, dangerous, and thrilling world. The only reason I put my iPad down while reading this book was simply because children need to be fed and changed... if I had had the option to just sit down and read it through the night in one heart-pounding session I would have.
I really liked the MC Olivia, and for anyone familiar with my reviews, you know that this is a real treat for me. A big gripe of mine is annoying main characters, but I felt that this book was refreshing since it featured a woman who was smart and strong, who comes into herself and learns her lessons along the way, and who does what she believes to be right even at great personal sacrifice. Jalen was absolutely perfect, I loved him. He was a great mixture of manliness without being too hot-headed, and sensitive enough to be in tune with Olivia's needs.
The point-of-view jumping was masterfully done and added richness to the novel. The plot was intricate and strings were tied together so that I felt satisfied at the end. It also felt like a huge relief at the end of the book... I love happy endings. I love when everyone gets what they deserve, and I feel GOOD when I finished the book. I like feeling happy. Lately I've been reading books that have nasty cliffhangers or throw you into a tailspin with a weird twist of events that leave you upset and scratching your head at the end. This book left me feeling fulfilled and satisfied at the end, even though there could be more of this story to be told, the main problem of this book was wrapped up by the end and I felt great about that.
Yani was one of my favorite characters, and I love how she stays with Olivia. I enjoyed the spiritual nature of this book, the vibrational energies and healing of timelines. I appreciated how deftly human nature was portrayed in the book Olivia's refusal to let Rhonen die "for the good of all," Maryna being able to sublimate her past trauma and turn it into a wonderful skill of healing.
I would definitely recommend this book to any fans of fiction, thrillers, romance, and historical fiction. My heart pounded throughout the book and I know it will stay with me for a long time. I would love to read a sequel to see how the Deer People heal and come back to their ancient roots; to see if Maryna and Sharak end up together, and to watch the progression of Jalen and Olivia's lives together. Very well done, and I eagerly await another book from Ms. Gravelle to read!
This was an excellent book, a mixture of fantasy, history, and science fiction. The premise of going far back in time has been done before, but this was a fresh twist with engaging, believable characters.
A time travel story. A love story. An adventure story among ancient Indians. A story for readers of all ages and interests.
It was well written and quite well edited but the whole past life thing where Olivia was suddenly someone else wasn't what I was expecting. The entire premise of change one thing and change the world is interesting but too simplistic. I would have enjoyed more knowing how the future Olivia would have handled things rather than this alternative persona. I finished it but am not interested in more.
Enjoyable space/time story with a moral in the telling.
I remember reading somewhere that the author writes specifically for young readers. With that in mind, this is a very good book for mid-teen readers. It is easy reading with a basic spiritual/social message. I'd want my child to read it. However, from my perspective as a 61 year old having read a lot of excellent science fiction I feel I must warn that this is not for adults seeking deep spiritual insights to sink their teeth into. It does get considerably better toward the end, but only after having read the bulk of it during which I was aware it was only so-so for adults. It is written from a clearly feminine viewpoint, clearly to be instructive for a youthful audience. As such it would be very successful. If you're seeking deep, insightful content, well crafted from a master writer, I'd suggest you spent your time elsewhere.
Where is book two? I want more!
This has been the most satisfying read I've had in a long time. Unrequited office romance, abduction, then Clan of the Cavebears. Let go of disbelief. Enjoy the ride. There is action and adventure but also Walden contemplation and zen yoga.
I must admit that I am too ADD to sit still for the meditation bits, but I put on the fast text-to-speech and felt more in touch with the main character.
Dorothy Gravelle, I can hardly wait to read more of your work!

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