Sacked A Novel Gridiron Book 1 edition by Jen Frederick Contemporary Romance eBooks

Sacked A Novel Gridiron Book 1 edition by Jen Frederick Contemporary Romance eBooks
4.5 starsReviewed For I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore
The synopsis for Sacked immediately peeked my interest. A college football star who is a virgin? I had to check this one out. Normally it is the female who is the virgin, losing her virginity to the school’s star athlete so the twist on this one is a welcome change.
Knox has been waiting for the one, the one who passes his test, the one that will be his only one. I will admit at first I was unsure of his reasons behind his decision but quickly I understood once we get to know Knox. He was refreshing in a book world full of man whores. He wasn’t just a star football player, once you see who he really is, you will want a Knox of your own. Don’t let the fact that Knox is a virgin make you think that this book doesn’t have some smoking hot sex scenes, because it does. And virgin or not, Knox isn’t all that innocent, trust me on that.
Ellie, I admired her loyalty to her brother, even when it could cost her everything she doesn’t even know at the time she wants. Surprisingly her brother doesn’t warn the team from her or her from them. Ellie was determined to not be in a relationship with Knox, but once she lets him in you just knew it was going to be something intense. When she has to do something that is not only going to break her heart but Knox’s as well, I felt my own heart breaking for her.
I really loved Sacked. I love sports books, and even though Sacked is about a football player, the sports theme doesn’t take over the book like some do. It was balanced perfectly in my opinion. There was angst, humor, heart break, love, and hope. I can’t wait to read more about the rest of the football team, so Ms. Frederick, please don’t make this book whore wait for too long.

Tags : Sacked: A Novel (Gridiron Book 1) - Kindle edition by Jen Frederick. Contemporary Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Jen Frederick,Sacked: A Novel (Gridiron Book 1),Pear Tree LLC,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Romance New Adult
Sacked A Novel Gridiron Book 1 edition by Jen Frederick Contemporary Romance eBooks Reviews
Wow luv Knox
Ok again I m saying it again why am I only reading this book and author know. I really need to get my act together. I 've heard so much about this author and I have read her under Erin Watt but not on her own. What can I say this book was just amazing. I got sucked in the story straight away. I luvd Ellie and Knox there they made the sweetest and hottest couple. Considering Knox was a Virgin before Ellie he is a very confident guy. Doesn't care what people think of him. He know what he wants in life and he's goin to get it and Ellie just became part of his list. I luv how Knox wasn't goin to let her go she could fit the attraction all she wanted but Knox knew what he wanted. The pair just fit so well together. With her luv and knowledge of football and overall sexiness. He found her hard to resist.
Ellie hasn't had an easy life her parents are just mean to her they haven't really care about her but she still try to make them are that she is the perfect daughter. The only family that has ever been there for her is her brother and he means the world to her. She will do anything for him and I mean anything. Even putting everything on the line for him. Ellie just wants someone to luv her for who she is. She was never enough but to Knox she was everything. The only thing was she had to do things that could jeopardize everything but she has to do it.
I really really enjoyed this book. I 've not read a great college sport romance since Elle Kennedy. I m so so happy I started this series cause I know I m goin to luv every book and character. I really luv so many of the players already and I know there goin to get hit with the luv bug even though some think there not ready. Like I said this book is the first from this author and it won't be the last. The story was well written and flowed really well. There wasn't a part that I didnt enjoy. Overall it was really good I luvd it I would highly recommend it if your a fan of Elle Kennedy and Kristen Callihan you are really goin to enjoy this book maybe even more. Bring on the rest of the Gridiron series.
***4.5 Stars***
Well, I can tell you that Gridiron involves an offensive and a defensive team.
And the crowd goes wild!
Stacey understood ONE thing from reading Sacked.
I love a good romance and add a romantic, sexy and extremely alpha hero and I’m a puddle of goo and very happy. Knox was an AWESOME hero. This man/boy (he’s 21…still a baby in my old eyes) has ticked all my boxes and left me very impressed. Knox is determined, driven and dedicated to succeed in his chosen path. I admire a man that doesn’t let his other brain make his decisions. The biggest heart flutter moment for me though, was when he instantly decided that the beautiful, bright and busty Elliot was his perfect match. Yes, a good old case of insta-lust. I wonder if she would have run for the hills if she’d known what he was thinking the first time they met?
Elliot (poor bugger…that name, her parents were WACKO) has one person in her life that has always been there for her. Elliot’s brother Jack has been her rock, her best friend and the one person she will risk EVERYTHING for. Elliot’s story touched my heart. As a parent myself, I struggled with how her parents shoved such a huge burden on her young, twelve-year-old shoulders. Practically her whole life has been dedicated to making Jack’s life easier…without him knowing it. Imagine her horror when her first chance at happiness is at risk because of a deception that started when she was in middle school.
Knox has been solely focused on his football but when Elliot crashes into his world he realises that there is more to life than football. Yes, he’s still dedicated, but now he realises his happiness is complete with football AND Elliot in his life.
Elliot has dedicated so much of her time to Jack because of her love for him but you can tell that there is also a degree of 'begging for approval' from her parents. Every child wants to be loved and accepted but in Elliot’s case it was an unattainable goal. When Knox becomes an important part of her life she realises that she needs to make some changes and one of them is facing Jack with the truth of her duplicity.
Knox and Elliot are a perfect match…eventually. We have some dramas that need to be addressed before they can find their happy ever after. I was sucked into their love story from the very first word. Knox is my kind of man. His devotion is never questionable and his love for Elliot shone through with his kind and thoughtful gestures. I loved that, because of her understanding of football and knowledge of the obligations tied to being an elite athlete, Elliot is perfect for Knox. She has her own life, understands that he can’t be with her 24/7 and accommodates his sore muscles by “taking the lead”, “controlling the play” and “riding the bronco” when needed. ;-)
I really enjoyed Sacked. I have come to realise that New Adult (genre) set in a College environment doesn’t seem to send me as bonkers. Maybe it’s the talent of the authors that makes College romance more appealing??? I kind of have a feeling it has more to do with the fact that these young peoples can mix their hi-jinx and shenanigans with a dedication to education and sports/music/drama/activities. Unfortunately, when the characters lack direction and purpose the book seems to lack direction and purpose to me too. Sacked gets it right.
Sacked ticked all my boxes by making me smile, squirm, snort and smirk. This was an awesome start to my Gridiron marathon and I’m happy to say that Jockblocked is locked and loaded.
4.5 stars
Reviewed For I'm A Sweet And Sassy Book Whore
The synopsis for Sacked immediately peeked my interest. A college football star who is a virgin? I had to check this one out. Normally it is the female who is the virgin, losing her virginity to the school’s star athlete so the twist on this one is a welcome change.
Knox has been waiting for the one, the one who passes his test, the one that will be his only one. I will admit at first I was unsure of his reasons behind his decision but quickly I understood once we get to know Knox. He was refreshing in a book world full of man whores. He wasn’t just a star football player, once you see who he really is, you will want a Knox of your own. Don’t let the fact that Knox is a virgin make you think that this book doesn’t have some smoking hot sex scenes, because it does. And virgin or not, Knox isn’t all that innocent, trust me on that.
Ellie, I admired her loyalty to her brother, even when it could cost her everything she doesn’t even know at the time she wants. Surprisingly her brother doesn’t warn the team from her or her from them. Ellie was determined to not be in a relationship with Knox, but once she lets him in you just knew it was going to be something intense. When she has to do something that is not only going to break her heart but Knox’s as well, I felt my own heart breaking for her.
I really loved Sacked. I love sports books, and even though Sacked is about a football player, the sports theme doesn’t take over the book like some do. It was balanced perfectly in my opinion. There was angst, humor, heart break, love, and hope. I can’t wait to read more about the rest of the football team, so Ms. Frederick, please don’t make this book whore wait for too long.

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